Twin Rivers Baptist Association
Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Churches joining hearts, prayers, and hands to see our world brought to Christ's saving power.

Church Planting and New Work



Growth in the Twin Rivers Baptist Association is absolutely awesome! In a few moments, you will read about some of the population trends. For now, let us share with you that there has been a population shift in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region for over a decade. Those who have lived in the area can verify that 10 years ago there were farms and open fields where new sprawling suburbs exist and families live. Finding places to shop and eat is not a challenge. What is a challenge is providing road systems to keep up with expanding traffic needs.

Now, for a few facts...Below are a few cities in our Association that have shown growth. This is not an exhaustive list. The growth percentages are taken from a comparison between the 1990 and 2000 US Government Census. For more quick facts, click here.

  • Troy - 77% growth
  • Moscow Mills - 89% growth
  • Foristell - 134% growth
  • O'Fallon - 147% growth

As you can see on the map, Twin Rivers Baptist Association is comprised of churches in the St. Charles, Warren, Montgomery, and Lincoln Counties area. Since much of the population growth is coming west of St. Louis (as well as north and south) you can see that our Association is on the front side of the growth wave. The "white water" of the wave is on the way. Included in this growth swell are people groups such as: African Americans; Hispanics; Asians; Russians; and Anglos. As a matter of fact, there is a projection indicating we will experience a large influx of Hispanics and Asians during the next decade. Also of interest is the fact that the largest Bosnian population in the United States lives in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region.

With that little bit of information, the question is, "What kind of planter do we believe God wants in our area?" Below is a small list of experience and character qualifications. This is not a complet list.

  • A person who has a proven history of active personal soul winning and corporate evangelism experience.
  • A person who has had experience in mission work in the US or overseas.
  • A person who has a track record of building relationships with individuals, community organizations, businesses, and other civic groups, with the goal of building a core group and a sponsorship base.
  • A person who has a cache of leaders, in their past, whom they have apprenticed and involved in ministry.
  • A person who passionately and intentionally disciples believers to their potential and releases ministry to them. We would call this an Empowering Leader. 
  • A person who leads by example and coaching.
  • If married, a wife who fully supports and undergirds the work and has determined her own unique role in the ministry of Church Planting. We lift up the planter's family and encourage them to nurture their relationships.
  • A core values set that provides the necessary passion for a long tenure and a Spiritual Gifts cluster that empowers others toward becoming a Great Commission church.

Since our joy is helping churches birth new churches, the Association staff works to develop a candidate "pool." Twin Rivers Baptist Association Churches, with a vision to plant a new church, can draw from this pool at any time. If you would like to submit your resume to our candidate pool, please mail it to:

Twin Rivers Baptist Association
100 twin Rivers Lane
Wright City, MO 63390


If you would like to communicate with someone regarding church planting, please feel free to contact, Director of Missions.

Other links:

 North American Mission Board

Missouri Baptist Convention